1. Introduction

Welcome to wowooocart.com! We strive to provide a secure, fair, and efficient platform for buyers and sellers to connect and conduct transactions. This declaration outlines the rules and guidelines that all users must adhere to while using our services.

2. Definitions

Marketplace: The platform provided by wowooocart.com! for buying and selling goods and services.

User: Any individual or entity registered on the platform, including both buyers and sellers.

Buyer: A user who purchases goods or services from the marketplace.

Seller: A user who lists and sells goods or services on the marketplace.

Transaction: Any agreement or exchange of goods, services, or funds between buyers and sellers through the marketplace.

3. User Responsibilities

3.1. Registration

All users must provide accurate and up-to-date information during registration.

Users must be at least 18 years old or have legal capacity to enter into contracts under applicable laws.

3.2. Conduct

Users must not engage in fraudulent, deceptive, or illegal activities.

Users must respect the rights and privacy of others.

Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

4. Buyer Guidelines

4.1. Purchases

Buyers must review product descriptions and seller ratings before making a purchase.

Buyers must pay for items promptly and in accordance with the agreed terms.

4.2. Disputes

Buyers should attempt to resolve disputes directly with sellers.

If a resolution cannot be reached, buyers may escalate the issue to wowooocart.com! for mediation.

5. Seller Guidelines

5.1. Listings

Sellers must provide accurate and complete information about their products or services.

Listings must comply with all applicable laws and marketplace policies.

5.2. Transactions

Sellers must fulfill orders promptly and in accordance with the agreed terms.

Sellers must handle returns, refunds, and disputes in a professional manner as per the marketplace policies.

6. Marketplace Policies

6.1. Prohibited Items

The sale of illegal, counterfeit, or prohibited items is strictly forbidden.

wowooocart.com! reserves the right to remove any listings that violate this policy.

6.2. Fees and Payments

wowooocart.com! may charge fees for transactions, or other services.

All fees will be clearly disclosed and agreed upon before any transactions.

6.3. Privacy and Data Protection

wowooocart.com! is committed to protecting user privacy and personal information.

Users’ data will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

7. Dispute Resolution

wowooocart.com! provides a mediation service for resolving disputes between buyers and sellers.

Users agree to cooperate with the mediation process and abide by the final decision.

8. Changes to the Declaration

wowooocart.com! reserves the right to modify this declaration at any time.

Users will be notified of any significant changes and are expected to comply with the updated terms.

9. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns, users can contact our support team at support@wowooocart.com or +91-7453036367.

By using wowooocart.com! you agree to comply with this declaration and all associated policies. Thank you for being a part of our community!

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